
Resubscribe allows you to perform AI-led user interviews at important touch points in the customer lifecycle. In particular, it allows you to dig into why users are churning or not converting.

User Flow

The user declines to subscribe or decides to cancel their subscription, so you call openWithConsent. We display a consent dialog which asks the user if they would like to provide feedback -- this increases engagement and results in higher-quality feedback. If they agree, then they are put into a chat experience with our AI running a user interview to collect the feedback.

AI Types

We currently support two AI Types:

  • 'churn' - To be used when the user has just cancelled their subscription. You should call openWithConsent immediately after the cancellation has been completed. The AI will solicit feedback about what led the user to cancel.

  • 'intent' - To be used when the user has just declined to make a purchase on a paywall. You should call openWithConsent immediately after the paywall is closed. The AI will solicit feedback about what led the user to not complete the purchase.

Last updated