Flutter Guide


The Flutter SDK can be installed via:

flutter pub add resubscribe_flutter_sdk


Import Resubscribe.

import 'package:resubscribe_flutter_sdk/resubscribe_flutter_sdk.dart';

Call this, replacing the placeholder values with your own values.

  aiType: '{{aiType}}', // Replace with the AI type
  userId: '{{userid}}', // Replace with the user ID
  slug: '{{slug}}', // Replace with your slug
  apiKey: '{{apiKey}}', // Replace with your API key
  // debugMode: true,
  // onClose: () {
  //   debugPrint('onClose');
  // },

The value of userid MUST be unique. If you do not have a unique user id at the point you want to make this call, we recommend generating a random value prefixed with 'anonymous-' for every user



The text on the consent popup is already customized to the AI type you choose.

However, if you want to override these values, then you can pass in the consentOptions to the ResubscribeSDK.

  // ...
  consentOptions: const ResubscribeConsentOptions(
    acceptText: 'Let\'s chat!',
    declineText: 'Not right now',
    titleText: 'CUSTOM TITLE',
    descriptionText: 'CUSTOM CONTENT',
  // ...

Last updated